Student Mobility Resources
A curated collection of content from student mobility thought-leaders working to improve how students get to and from their learning activities.
Webinar: Ringing in Change–Strategic Bell Time Optimization
Videos: this webinar, Chris Burkhardt, Chief Operating Officer of Cincinnati Public Schools, walks us through the benefits of aligning and balancing school bell times. Chris shared key learnings from Cincinnati, including how to leverage robust data and a meaningful stakeholder engagement process.
Reimagining Student Mobility Webinar:
A Policy PlaybookVideos: this third Reimagining Student Mobility webinar, Carl Allen, 4MATIV’s CEO, discusses 4MATIV’s broad view on the challenges of student mobility and how transportation is a key barrier to equitable access. We unveil a playbook that outlines state-level policy priorities for policymakers and advocates, exploring practical policy solutions for creating a more accessible, student-centered, and equitable transportation network that adds flexibility and lowers costs.
Reimagining Student Mobility Webinar:
Strategic DifferentiationVideos: this second in a series of webinars, Carl Allen, 4MATIV’s CEO, discusses 4MATIV’s broad view on the challenges of student mobility and how transportation is a key barrier to equitable access. We review how strategic service differentiation can play a transformative role in personalizing student transportation and improving overall efficiency.
Reimagining Student Mobility Webinar:
Challenges and SolutionsVideos: to discuss 4MATIV’s broad view on the challenges of student mobility and how transportation is a key barrier to equitable access. We will also begin to introduce our solutions frameworks and what we believe needs to be true to bring about the flexible, equitable, and sustainable student mobility ecosystems of the future!
Strategic Use of Stimulus Funding for the Future of School Transportation
Videos:’s webinar with IPS Superintendent on use of stimulus funds to invest in transportation system redesign